"Any picture I take, it could be any woman. "The fact that I don’t show faces allows people to potentially write themselves into the story that I’m trying to tell," Patty says. One of the most important aspects about Patty’s photography is allowing the viewer to create their own personal experience. That’s really very much what photography has been for me, a dream arriving a bit later in life, and I’m totally thrilled to be following that dream." "I really feel that that happens in life," Patty explains, "We have certain dreams that we’re hoping for, and those dreams might not pan out but if you’re open, other dreams can happen. She was trying to get the idea across of someone carrying their own dreams in their suitcase - all the while escaping and waiting for more dreams to come. One of Patty’s favorite photos is She Carried Her Dreams. Over time, her photography became centered around the stories she was trying to portray.

Patty began using models in her photos - dressing them up in wigs and period costumes. "So once I started getting my head around that, it opened up a whole new world for me." "I thought about using myself more as a prop and say what I wanted with with photo, rather than having the photo about me," Patty says. To change this, she took herself out of the picture entirely. However, Patty quickly realized that she began focusing more on what she looked like, rather than the story she was trying to convey it became distracting. "So I spent a lot of time trying to take very attractive pictures of myself." "I used to feel that I had to show my face because they’re self-portraits," she says. In the beginning, Patty started out taking photos of herself. "I tend to draw on a number of sources for inspiration: fairy tales, different periods in history, poetry, works of art, etc." "I love to consider a particular setting and then think of what story could take place there," she explains. Patty’s main inspiration are stories that can be told through her photography. Most of her work is self-portraiture within the countryside settings of her Ontario neighborhood. Patty is a self-taught photographer and began taking photos only three years ago.

A faceless woman can be anyone, and that’s exciting." "It’s not something I set out to do," she says in today’s Weekly Flickr episode, "but the mystery and anonymity allows me to tell stories that are more universal. "The question of why I don’t show faces in my photos comes up a lot," says photographer Patty Maher, known on Flickr as Patty.